
Sunday, October 14, 2012

In Case There Was Any Question About the Veracity of My L.A.-ness

Today, I...

  • woke up and debated with a friend one of life's age-old questions: Which is the better flea market? Rose Bowl or Fairfax? 
  • hiked Runyon Canyon in my neon-colored Nike Frees and (subtly-marked but still overpriced) designer shades 
  • visited my friend at Park La Brea and saw a lady pushing a double stroller around in 5-inch stilettos
  • semi-successfully parallel parked 3 times and self-fived myself each time for doing so
  • chatted it up with a Mid-City homeless lady about the deliciousness that is Arizona's Mucho Mango on a hot summer mid-October day like today
  • strolled through The Grove in a USC cap and yoga pants...and renewed my love/hate for Rick Caruso
  • ran into a friend who was holding hands with a mystery girl and wondered whether they were really a couple or not because, well, people avoid commitment like the plague in this town 
  • deeply philosophized about the need for a Topshop in L.A., remembered they're opening one soon, and then proceeded to get unabashedly giddy about its pending arrival
  • filled up my gas-guzzling, tinted and sports-packaged mini-SUV with $80 worth of soul-sucking commutes and got harassed by (literally) the umpteenth family who supposedly "ran out of gas and needs $20 to go back home" 
  • ate at Mendocino Farms and actually listened to the overly peppy cashier's 3-minute explanation about the chef's mission to serve only local farm fresh ingredients
  • lamented the fact that I'm just another option to most guys within a 30-mile vicinity in between forkfuls of my salad -- a dish I ironically chose over a hearty carb-laden sandwich with the twisted hope of capturing said guys' attention
  • came home to my parents showing off their latest purchases from a shopping binge at the Century City Westfield

Ugh. I am so L.A.