
Monday, October 29, 2012

My Not-So-Secret Christmas Wish List

Let me preface this list by first saying that 2012 has been an awkward year for holidays:
  • New Year's Eve was a ridiculously random night spent at a clifftop resort, an evening during which I rode PV Transit for the first time with a bunch of my hooligan suburbanite friends. Between the ~24 of us, we made about 57 bad decisions.
  • Valentine's Day was spent with three of my best wing-men, movie-going and consuming wine and black noodles. The consumption of black noodles is a Valentine's Day tradition for single people in Korea; the consumption of wine on Valentine's Day is, well, a tradition for single people...everywhere. Moving on...
  • Memorial Day was unfortunately spent fighting (rather emphatically, might I add) with my family on the strand in Hermosa Beach, an otherwise adorably bro-infested little coastal town.
  • Independence Day: a group of us spontaneously decided to picnic and watch fireworks at Hollywood Bowl. This sounded like a great idea until we arrived and realized Barry Manilow was headlining. (Barry Mani-who?) An unacceptable blunder in this Information Age. Needless to say, the fireworks were lackluster.
  • Labor Day consisted of a whole lot of laboring away in bed with a fever and cold sweats. The one day I'm allotted a reward for working what often feels like a thankless job, I get sick. Thanks, Universe!
  • Halloween is a bust this year because of work and sitting duties. On this very same day in 2011, I was hand-sewing feathers onto a makeshift tutu, test-running creepy contact lenses, and packing for Vegas. This year, however, I find myself wrapping up my seventh consecutive 13-hour workday. Growing up bites. After resetting my expectations about holidays, I'm finding that I'm honestly more stoked for Election Day than I am for Halloween. What a mindtrip.
  • As for Thanksgiving, it will be spent hauling my wheezing, asthmatic arse up the treacherous ascent to Machu Picchu and taking baby wipe showers. I'm definitely looking forward to what will be an epic trip, but right now I'm too scared of two very inevitable things: my physical unfitness and an insatiable longing for pumpkin pie a la mode.
  • (Insert apology for not disclosing sooner that Negative Nancy was guest writing for this post.)
  • So....where does this leave Christmas? (It's 56 days away, by the way. But who's counting? Definitely not I............) I will probably spend it again with my maverick family in tobacco odor-tinged opulence (aka Las Vegas), surrounded by massive hordes of Persians and Chinese folks in designer garb and with nary a branch of mistletoe nor a mug of eggnog in sight. 'Tis the season!
Given the above, I figured I'd poke even more fun at my state of holiday affairs by revealing to you my Christmas Wish List. I should probably keep it under wraps (no pun intended), but hell, I've already started to paint an ultra-cool picture of myself and my glamorous lifestyle so far. Why not take it one step further and reveal to you my equally ultra-cool and glamorous Christmas list?

  1. Carl Kasell Autograph Pillow. NPR's "Wait Wait...Don't Tell Me" (aka "The Oddly Informative News Quiz" Show) is one of my life's greatest guilty pleasures. So much so that I was seriously considering attending a taping in Chicago when I was in town for a conference. By myself. Carl Kasell's voice is rumbling (yet modulated), warm and smooth -- like what slow bubbling, hot butter would sound like if transformed into a human voice. This pillow just takes my geek-out to a whole new level. I love it. Problem is, it's one of those things I want someone else to buy me. To buy it for myself Believe it or not, my oddness has limitations.

  2. Rollerblading Partner. I take it back. There are no limitations. Last year I shamelessly invested two benjis in new blades, a carrying bag, and protective pads. I've been on the hunt for someone who is willing to rollerblade with me and teach me how to brake properly but no real luck yet. People have responded with comments such as "no way / that's social suicide / you're so lame" and "why would you want to do that / it's not even that fun / again, you're so lame." Are you kidding me? Have you forgotten the awesome feeling of the summer wind in your face as your feet glide across smooth surfaces? I understand that at least for guys it's not the coolest thing to be caught doing these days, but I thought we were past the age of caring what people thought! (...I'm kidding. That last statement was tainted with delusion.)

  3. Justin Beiber concert tickets. Now this one I know many of you guys can get down with -- especially considering his recent collaborations. The show will most likely be overpriced and teeming with screaming hormonal teenagers (screaming because they find themselves surrounded otherwise only by awkward, overgrown boys and thus have no choice but to fantasize about a distant ideal). But try as I might to fight off the infectious Beiber Fever, I know in my heart that I will have the time of my life. Maybe because there's still a screaming hormonal teenager in me somewhere. Or maybe because I'm still surrounded by awkward, overgrown boys and left with no choice but to fantasize about distant ideals. #SadButTrue

  4. Cuddle buddy. For watching long-arc tv dramas and eating rummy bears (gummy bears soaked in rum, naturally) while posted on a comfy couch together. I was introduced to this amazing pasttime not too long ago (but with the wrong candidate) and I am now a shameless lifelong fan. The catch here is that you are restricted to watching dramas, not enacting them. Sweet nothings are optional. 

  5. Rap ghostwriting gig. Problem: The use of a rhyme scheme in poetry is now considered passé. So where else can I channel my love of end rhymes? Solution: ghostwrite verses for rappers! Half of the stuff they come up with is shite anyways. Employ me and I will elevate your craft to a perfect mix of veiled intellectual references, hints of undergroundsiness (blended with the ability to sell out whenever convenient, of course), humor, bombastic gloating, emotional vulnerability, and the occasional profanity/playful vulgarity. How do I know I can do this? Because I basically just described me in a nutshell. It's perfect because I have no desire to actually be a rapper. This arrangement allows for you to enjoy the flashy lifestyle perks as long as you funnel some of your earnings my way and give me VIP access to concerts galore. Win-win. I even came up with the pseudonym I want to work under: Prinsass. (Get it? Don't even try to tell me that name is not totally befitting.) 
I think I'll stop there for now. You will be the first to know (whether you want to or not) if I think of any more.

Trust me, I'm normal at the end of the day. And I'll stop making Christmas wish lists when I turn a quarter century old. I promise.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

In Case There Was Any Question About the Veracity of My L.A.-ness

Today, I...

  • woke up and debated with a friend one of life's age-old questions: Which is the better flea market? Rose Bowl or Fairfax? 
  • hiked Runyon Canyon in my neon-colored Nike Frees and (subtly-marked but still overpriced) designer shades 
  • visited my friend at Park La Brea and saw a lady pushing a double stroller around in 5-inch stilettos
  • semi-successfully parallel parked 3 times and self-fived myself each time for doing so
  • chatted it up with a Mid-City homeless lady about the deliciousness that is Arizona's Mucho Mango on a hot summer mid-October day like today
  • strolled through The Grove in a USC cap and yoga pants...and renewed my love/hate for Rick Caruso
  • ran into a friend who was holding hands with a mystery girl and wondered whether they were really a couple or not because, well, people avoid commitment like the plague in this town 
  • deeply philosophized about the need for a Topshop in L.A., remembered they're opening one soon, and then proceeded to get unabashedly giddy about its pending arrival
  • filled up my gas-guzzling, tinted and sports-packaged mini-SUV with $80 worth of soul-sucking commutes and got harassed by (literally) the umpteenth family who supposedly "ran out of gas and needs $20 to go back home" 
  • ate at Mendocino Farms and actually listened to the overly peppy cashier's 3-minute explanation about the chef's mission to serve only local farm fresh ingredients
  • lamented the fact that I'm just another option to most guys within a 30-mile vicinity in between forkfuls of my salad -- a dish I ironically chose over a hearty carb-laden sandwich with the twisted hope of capturing said guys' attention
  • came home to my parents showing off their latest purchases from a shopping binge at the Century City Westfield

Ugh. I am so L.A. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wait, Why Don't Colleges Offer These Kinds of Courses?

Had I known what postgrad life would really be like (emotionally, relationally, professionally...just everythingly) I would've gotten a degree that covers the following crucial, real life preparatory subjects instead of slaving away at law, statistics, urban policy, comparative literature, and the like:

Health & Lifestyle
  • Responsible Partying: You're Not a Sorority Girl Anymore
  • Feigning Disinterest in Costume Parties
  • Overcoming Your Red Solo® Cup Dependency Once and For All
  • Surviving Your Twenties Without Doing Irreparable Damage to Your Body or Your Dignity (Whatever Comes First)
  • How to Dance at Weddings
  • Ridding Your Body of the 10 Alcohol- and Desktop Snack-Laden Pounds It Put On During Your First-Ever Year of Employment 
  • Intro to Gerontology: When Memorization of Popular Song Lyrics, Boy Band Star Names and Other Such Inanities Stops Coming Naturally

  • How Not to Be The Low-Hanging Fruit OR How Not to Be The Destination at the End of the Path to Least Resistance (Depending on Your Metaphorical Wording Preferences)
  • Making New Friends, Non-Creeper Style
  • Identifying the Greenness of the Grass on Your Side
  • Game Theory: #Winning Despite Your Hatred of Having to Play In The First Place
  • How It's Done (Although No One Really Knows What They're Doing): Pre-DTR, Gray Area Casual Dating
  • Intro to Urban Planning: Erecting Airtight Friend Zones and Circles of Trust

  • Reading Between the (Email) Lines
  • Advancement 101: Delegating Work to Underlings Despite Still Feeling Like One Yourself
  • Effective Pain Management Techniques: Networking & Mixers
  • Outwitting Passive-Aggressive Coworkers With -- You Guessed It -- Even More Passive-Aggression
  • The Art of Powering Through 1,497 Unread Emails After Getting Back From That Vacation You Took Precisely to Avoid the Cesspool That Is Your Inbox
  • $3 Sake Bombs and Other Happy Hour Fundamentals 

  • Cultivating a Political Backbone Without Irritating Your Loved Ones/Facebook Friends With Your Newly Minted Opinions
  • 50 Non-Reddit-Sourced Ways to Exude Coolness Given Your Dwindling Pop Culture Prowess
  • Coping Skills: When Reality TV Is The Closest To Reality You Get
  • Emerging Household Trends: Repopulating the Empty Nest
  • Intro to Civic Participation: Perennial Under-informed Voting (If You Even Make It to the Polls) and Jury Duty Avoidance Tactics

Technology & Social Media

  • Zen Basics: Teaching Your Parents How to Use Technology Without Imploding
  • Proper, Adultlike News Consumption When All You Want to Do is Read BarStoolSports, ThoughtCatalog, or PerezHilton
  • The Art Of Wasting Precious Time On The Interwebz
  • Self-Rescue Techniques: When You Find Yourself in the "Weird" Parts Of YouTube
  • Post-Limewire Age Music Acquisition for Dummies
  • Explaining AOL, MySpace, GeoCities, Friendster, and Xanga to Today's Youth

Everything Else
  • Acclimation 101: When Nothing Surprises You Anymore
  • Suppressing Shame and Schadenfreude So No One Notices It (Or So You Think)
  • Data Skills: Managing the Unnecessary Overabundance of Choice in Practically Every Aspect of Modern Life
  • Personal Finance Fluency By Way Of Cheesy Self-Help Blogs & Books 
  • Advanced List-making: When You've Lost the Ability to Form Cohesive Paragraphs of Interconnected Thoughts

Who's with me?